RISE: Computational Research Consulting
RISE: Computational Research Consulting services is a team of computational scientists and software engineers who combine knowledge of a particular domain with software engineering and HPC experience. Users can get help with computational research, programming, or computer technology from specialized personnel. Additionally, assistance with code debugging and optimization, parallelization, building a science gateway, visualizing data effectively, or consulting on methodology is available.
RISE Consultants can assist users in the following fields:
- Chemistry
- Materials Science
- Data Visualization
- Engineering
- Parallelization
- Artificial Intellegence and Machine Learning
- Science Gateways for Big Data Research
Getting Started:
Visit the ICDS website to request a consultation or more information.
More Information:
This service is part of the Advanced Technical Services, and the Concierge and Consulting categories.
- This is an active service
- Contact the RISE team for more information about eligibility.
- Contact the RISE team for more information about costs
- Contact the RISE team to learn how they can help you.