Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), User Managed Groups, WebAccess, Penn State Accounts, and more.
Account Management
Account Management gives users quick access to Access Id Account settings and services offered by Penn State. Users can modify personal information, secure accounts, manage UMGs (User Managed Groups), and access services, all in one location.
Identity and Access Management
The core components of Identity and Access Management are managing personal information, including protecting the data and an individual’s privacy; managing credentials; and managing access to resources, both those hosted by Penn State and those hosted externally.
Two-Factor Authentication
Penn State’s Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) service provides a second layer of protection to a user’s digital identity (for example, an Access Account), as well adding protection to data, systems, and
The Penn State WebAccess system provides an environment in which users can authenticate/log in one time with their respective Penn State Account user ID and password to a central server in order to access multiple services protected with WebAccess, without needing to re-authenticate.